Dear Santa Claus,
My Christmas wish this year is to give this gift to my Momma. I am beyond blessed to have her in my life. She has taught me so much about how to be a mother, wife, & friend. She taught me all of this not just by her words, but by her example. Whether meeting a stranger, or greeting an old friend, she has a gift of making anyone feel instantly at ease.
She is the reason I love to read. When we were kids, she made the books, the library, & bookmobile seem like a treat. It is due in a large part to her that I am a high school English teacher. My Momma taught me to seize each moment. One of my favorite childhood memories is waking up every Friday morning to her blasting the radio loud, dancing & shimmying into mine & my sister’s room, & waking us up to a “Friday morning boogie” song. She’d pull the covers off of us, pull us out of the bed; then, taking our hands, she’d twist-&-shout with us until we were giggling, up & ready to face the day. My crafting love comes from her. Every Halloween meant a special-made puffy-paint sweatshirt, & every Christmas meant a beautiful new “tacky” Christmas sweater. I also got my love of feeding my family from her. Her recipes are legendary; she can make anything taste good! Her specialties are her mile-high homemade pizzas & Diego cabbage soup. She's always been my biggest supporter & cheerleader. I am thirty-three years old & I still call her every morning just to hear her voice as I drive to school to teach. It is the start to my every day. From her, I received my tender heart. She cries at the drop of a hat. I can’t count the times that I’ve called to tell her that one of my school babies is struggling or without, & before I know it, I’ll either have a check in hand or canned goods, clothing, linens—whatever they need. To know my Momma is to love her. And the best part is that if I win this & gave it to her, she would never expect it.She deserves all the best.
Thank you so much, Santa. Stay safe & warm.